Source code for parmap.parmap

#!/usr/bin/env python
#   Copyright 2014-2022 Sergio Oller <>
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
This module implements map and starmap functions (see python standard
library to learn about them).

The implementations provided in this module allow providing additional
arguments to the mapped functions. Additionally they will initialize
the pool and close it automatically by default if possible.

The easiest way to learn is by reading the following examples.


Map example
You want to do:
    >>> y1 = [myfunction(x, argument1, argument2) for x in mylist]
In parallel:
    >>> y2 =, mylist, argument1, argument2)
Check both results:
    >>> assert y1 == y2

Starmap example

You want to do:
    >>> z1 = [myfunction(x, y, argument1, argument2) for (x,y) in mylist]
In parallel:
    >>> z2 = parmap.starmap(myfunction, mylist, argument1, argument2)
Check both results:
    >>> assert z1 == z2

You want to do:
    >>> listx = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    >>> listy = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> a = 3.14
    >>> b = 42
    >>> listz1 = []
    >>> for x in listx:
    >>>     for y in listy:
    >>>         listz1.append(myfunction(x, y, a, b))
In parallel:
    >>> from itertools import product
    >>> listz2 = parmap.starmap(myfunction, product(listx, listy), a, b)
Check both results:
    >>> assert listz1 == listz2

# The original idea for this implementation was given by J.F. Sebastian
# at

import multiprocessing
import warnings
import typing as T

from itertools import repeat
from multiprocessing.pool import AsyncResult

    import as tqdm # type: ignore
    HAVE_TQDM = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_TQDM = False

def _func_star_single(func_item_args):
    """Equivalent to:
       func = func_item_args[0]
       item = func_item_args[1]
       args = func_item_args[2]
       kwargs = func_item_args[3]
       return func(item,args[0],args[1],..., **kwargs)
    return func_item_args[0](*[func_item_args[1]] + func_item_args[2],

def _func_star_many(func_items_args):
    """Equivalent to:
       func = func_item_args[0]
       items = func_item_args[1]
       args = func_item_args[2:]
       kwargs = func_item_args[3]
       return func(items[0], items[1], ..., args[0], args[1], ..., **kwargs)
    return func_items_args[0](*list(func_items_args[1]) + func_items_args[2],

def _create_pool(kwargs):
    parallel: bool = kwargs.pop("pm_parallel", True)
    pool: T.Optional[multiprocessing.Pool] = kwargs.pop("pm_pool", None)
    close_pool = False
    processes: T.Optional[int] = kwargs.pop("pm_processes", None)
    # Initialize pool if parallel:
    if parallel and pool is None:
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
            close_pool = True
        except Exception as exc:  # Disable parallel on error:
            parallel = False
    return parallel, pool, close_pool

def _do_pbar(async_result, num_tasks, chunksize, refresh_time=2, tqdm_options={}):
    remaining = num_tasks
    # tqdm provides a progress bar.
    # the pbar needs to be updated with the increment on each
    # iteration.
    with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_tasks, **tqdm_options) as pbar:
        while True:
            if async_result.ready():
                remaining_now = async_result._number_left*chunksize
                done_now = remaining - remaining_now
                remaining = remaining_now
            if done_now > 0:
            async_result.wait(refresh_time)  # update every two seconds

def _get_default_chunksize(chunksize, pool, num_tasks):
    # default from multiprocessing
    if chunksize is None:
        chunksize, extra = divmod(num_tasks, len(pool._pool) * 4)
        if extra:
            chunksize += 1
    return chunksize

def _serial_map_or_starmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs, progress,
    if progress or isinstance(progress, dict):
        tqdm_options = progress if isinstance(progress, dict) else {}
        iterable = tqdm.tqdm(iterable, **tqdm_options)
    if map_or_starmap == "map":
        output = [function(*([item] + list(args)), **kwargs)
                  for item in iterable]
    elif map_or_starmap == "starmap":
        output = [function(*(list(item) + list(args)), **kwargs)
                  for item in iterable]
        raise AssertionError("Internal parmap error: Invalid map_or_starmap." +
                             " This should not happen")
    return output

def _get_helper_func(map_or_starmap):
    if map_or_starmap == "map":
        func_star = _func_star_single
    elif map_or_starmap == "starmap":
        func_star = _func_star_many
        raise AssertionError("Internal parmap error: Invalid map_or_starmap." +
                             " This should not happen")
    return func_star

def _deprecated_kwargs(kwargs, arg_newarg):
    """ arg_newarg is a list of tuples, where each tuple has a pair of strings.
        ('old_arg', 'new_arg')
        A DeprecationWarning is raised for the arguments that need to be
    warn_for = []
    for (arg, new_kw) in arg_newarg:
        if arg in kwargs.keys():
            val = kwargs.pop(arg)
            kwargs[new_kw] = val
            warn_for.append((arg, new_kw))
    if len(warn_for) > 0:
        if len(warn_for) == 1:
            warnings.warn("Argument '{}' is deprecated. Use {} instead".
                          format(warn_for[0][0], warn_for[0][1]),
                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4)
            args = ", ".join([x[0] for x in warn_for])
            repl = ", ".join([x[1] for x in warn_for])
                "Arguments '{}' are deprecated. Use '{}' instead respectively".
                format(args, repl),
                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4)
    return kwargs

def _map_or_starmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs, map_or_starmap):
    Shared function between and parmap.starmap.
    Refer to those functions for details.
    arg_newarg = (("parallel", "pm_parallel"), ("chunksize", "pm_chunksize"),
                  ("pool", "pm_pool"), ("processes", "pm_processes"),
                  ("parmap_progress", "pm_pbar"))
    kwargs = _deprecated_kwargs(kwargs, arg_newarg)
    chunksize = kwargs.pop("pm_chunksize", None)
    progress = kwargs.pop("pm_pbar", False)
    progress = progress if HAVE_TQDM else False
    parallel, pool, close_pool = _create_pool(kwargs)
    # Handle case: Execute sequentially:
    if not parallel:
        return _serial_map_or_starmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs,
                                      progress, map_or_starmap)
    func_star = _get_helper_func(map_or_starmap)
    # Handle case: Without showing progress bar
    if not progress:
            result = pool.map_async(func_star,
            output = result.get()
            if close_pool:
            if close_pool:
        return output
    # Show progress bar:
        num_tasks = len(iterable)
        # get a chunksize (as multiprocessing does):
        chunksize = _get_default_chunksize(chunksize,
                                           pool, num_tasks)
        # use map_async to get progress information
        result = pool.map_async(func_star,
        if close_pool:
        if close_pool:
    # Progress bar:
        tqdm_options = progress if isinstance(progress, dict) else {}
        _do_pbar(result, num_tasks, chunksize, tqdm_options=tqdm_options)
        output = result.get()
        if close_pool:
    return output

[docs]def map(function, iterable, *args, **kwargs): """This function is equivalent to: >>> [function(x, args[0], args[1],...) for x in iterable] :param pm_parallel: Force parallelization on/off :type pm_parallel: bool :param pm_chunksize: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_chunksize: int :param pm_pool: Pass an existing pool :type pm_pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool :param pm_processes: Number of processes to use in the pool. See :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_processes: int :param pm_pbar: Show progress bar with optional information :type pm_pbar: bool or dict """ return _map_or_starmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs, "map")
[docs]def starmap(function, iterables, *args, **kwargs): """ Equivalent to: >>> return ([function(x1,x2,x3,..., args[0], args[1],...) for >>> (x1,x2,x3...) in iterable]) :param pm_parallel: Force parallelization on/off :type pm_parallel: bool :param pm_chunksize: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_chunksize: int :param pm_pool: Pass an existing pool :type pm_pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool :param pm_processes: Number of processes to use in the pool. See :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_processes: int :param pm_pbar: Show progress bar with optional information :type pm_pbar: bool or dict """ return _map_or_starmap(function, iterables, args, kwargs, "starmap")
class _DummyAsyncResult(AsyncResult): """ AsyncResult compatible class, for when parallelization is disabled It is a dummy class. """ def __init__(self, values): self._values = values @property def _number_left(self): return 0 def get(self, timeout=None): return self._values def wait(self, timeout=None): pass def ready(self): return True def successful(self): # The exception would have been raised in the computation of result return True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass class _ParallelAsyncResult(AsyncResult): """ Like the AsyncResult, but it will close the pool when we leave the ``with`` block or when we check if it is ready. """ def __init__(self, result, pool=None): self._result = result self._pool = pool @property def _number_left(self): return self._result._number_left def get(self, timeout=None): values = self._result.get(timeout) if self.ready(): self.join() return values def wait(self, timeout=None): return self._result.wait(timeout) def ready(self): is_ready = self._result.ready() if is_ready: self.join() return is_ready def successful(self): return self._result.successful() def __enter__(self): return self def join(self): if self._pool is not None: self._pool.join() self._pool = None def terminate(self): if self._pool is not None: self._pool.terminate() self._pool = None def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.terminate() def _map_or_starmap_async(function, iterable, args, kwargs, map_or_starmap): """ Shared function between parmap.map_async and parmap.starmap_async. Refer to those functions for details. """ arg_newarg = (("parallel", "pm_parallel"), ("chunksize", "pm_chunksize"), ("pool", "pm_pool"), ("processes", "pm_processes"), ("callback", "pm_callback"), ("error_callback", "pm_error_callback")) kwargs = _deprecated_kwargs(kwargs, arg_newarg) chunksize = kwargs.pop("pm_chunksize", None) callback = kwargs.pop("pm_callback", None) error_callback = kwargs.pop("pm_error_callback", None) parallel, pool, close_pool = _create_pool(kwargs) # Map: if parallel: func_star = _get_helper_func(map_or_starmap) try: result = pool.map_async( func_star, zip(repeat(function), iterable, repeat(list(args)), repeat(kwargs) ), chunksize = chunksize, callback = callback, error_callback = error_callback ) except: if close_pool: pool.terminate() raise else: if close_pool: pool.close() result = _ParallelAsyncResult(result, pool) else: result = _ParallelAsyncResult(result) else: values = _serial_map_or_starmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs, False, map_or_starmap) result = _DummyAsyncResult(values) return result
[docs]def map_async(function, iterable, *args, **kwargs): """This function is the multiprocessing.Pool.map_async version that supports multiple arguments. >>> [function(x, args[0], args[1],...) for x in iterable] :param pm_parallel: Force parallelization on/off. If False, the function won't be asynchronous. :type pm_parallel: bool :param pm_chunksize: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_chunksize: int :param pm_callback: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_callback: function :param pm_error_callback: (not on python 2) see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_error_callback: function :param pm_pool: Pass an existing pool. :type pm_pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool :param pm_processes: Number of processes to use in the pool. See :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_processes: int """ return _map_or_starmap_async(function, iterable, args, kwargs, "map")
[docs]def starmap_async(function, iterables, *args, **kwargs): """This function is the multiprocessing.Pool.starmap_async version that supports multiple arguments. >>> return ([function(x1,x2,x3,..., args[0], args[1],...) for >>> (x1,x2,x3...) in iterable]) :param pm_parallel: Force parallelization on/off. If False, the function won't be asynchronous. :type pm_parallel: bool :param pm_chunksize: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_chunksize: int :param pm_callback: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_callback: function :param pm_error_callback: see :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_error_callback: function :param pm_pool: Pass an existing pool. :type pm_pool: multiprocessing.pool.Pool :param pm_processes: Number of processes to use in the pool. See :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` :type pm_processes: int """ return _map_or_starmap_async(function, iterables, args, kwargs, "starmap")
# Needs testing, but it might work as it is: # def _serial_imap_or_istarmap(function, iterable, args, # kwargs, map_or_starmap): # if map_or_starmap == "map": # output = (function(*([item] + list(args)), **kwargs) # for item in iterable) # elif map_or_starmap == "starmap": # output = (function(*(list(item) + list(args)), **kwargs) # for item in iterable) # else: # raise AssertionError("Internal parmap error: " + # "Invalid map_or_starmap. This should not happen") # return output # def imap(function, iterable, *args, **kwargs): # chunksize = kwargs.pop("pm_chunksize", 1) # parallel, pool, close_pool = _create_pool(kwargs) # # Map: # if parallel: # func_star = _get_helper_func("map") # try: # output = pool.imap(func_star, # zip(repeat(function), iterable, # repeat(list(args)), repeat(kwargs)), # chunksize) # finally: # if close_pool: # pool.close() # pool.join() # else: # output = _serial_imap_or_istarmap(function, iterable, args, kwargs, # map_or_starmap) # return output